
Lumeria: War of the Gods

Created by Cube Factory of Ideas

An asymmetrical battle-card game where players take on a roles of Gods leading their followers and fight others on the field of battle.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

First 2022 update - progress and production!
about 2 years ago – Fri, Feb 11, 2022 at 03:45:57 AM

Hello, fellow Lumerians!

As promised, we return with an update on our progress and the current stage of Lumeria! As of right now:

  • We are finalizing the graphic files for print
  • As soon as the Chinese New Years celebrations conclude we will start proofing the files with the printer
  • After that process is done, and we make any changes to the files with the printer's guidance, the print run will start.

With the current dates and printers capacity, everything should go rather smoothly. Unfortunately, the start of this year was covid heavy in our company, and we had multiple employees unable to work for some time, but as of right now we should not have any huge delays. The most uncertain stage of the project will be transportation and shipping, but any potential delays, for now, are estimated in weeks, not months. Hopefully, the world logistics will not pay any tricks on us, and the game will be in your hands close to the estimated delivery time! :)

We hope that you are all healthy in this uncertain time!

Stay safe!

Factory of Ideas Team

Christmas update!
over 2 years ago – Tue, Dec 21, 2021 at 05:19:16 AM

Ho Ho Ho!

Hello Everybody! We hope you are safe and happy in this upcoming holiday season! ;) We'd like to share a quick update, the last one this year.

On the graphic front - we are waiting for the last 2 Mongols illustrations and we will be fully ready ;)

Test-wise - we are finalizing the balance part of the factions!

Production - we are already preparing all the files we can, and as soon as January hits us we will be starting the production process in the factory as planned (which means we should be able to start the printing process around the end of January/beginning of February). With all that in mind, as for now, all goes according to plan! :)

Also, we'd like to take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! These past months ave has been a little crazy but we are extremely grateful that you were with us, whether as a campaign supporter or player at Essen or at other events here in Poland. We hope that in the coming months we'll go as planned and that you will be able to play Lumeria at your tables as soon as possible!


Factory of Ideas Crew

Designer's Update
over 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 03:13:04 PM

Hello, fellow Lumerians!

A few weeks have passed since our visit at Essen, and even though some we would wish to go back and play with you live again, we got back to the drawing boards (pun somehow intended ;) ) and polish Lumeria for the production process at the beginning of next year. This update is focused on the designer's part of bringing Lumeria to your tables!

As for the design and testing - all factions are designed and in testing right now. They are all playable at the moment, but since we still have a few weeks until the files go to the printers, we use that time to further test and balance each faction to the best of our possibilities. Those of you that already played the game are rather pleased with our results, so we hope to continue that trend!

On the illustration and graphic process - our illustration team is finishing the last faction (Mongols), and with them finished in 2-3 weeks we will be fully ready for print illustration-wise ;) On the more design/graphic note, all the layouts are complete, we tweaked a few things in the English version of the rulebook (probably will be polishing it until the print starts), but as soon as the Mongol illustrations are ready, and we finish testing, we will be ready to prepare card files to print. 

As you can see, we are working continuously, and we are rather on schedule! Of course, the biggest challenge (production and shipment) is still ahead of us, but we hope to maintain the course ;) As an additional treat, we are attaching all the Persian illustrations so you can finally see the faction as a whole (Ahura is not 100% finished, Krzysztof is adding some details and recoloring as we speak, but you can see the general direction).



Essen Spiel 2021
over 2 years ago – Fri, Oct 15, 2021 at 02:57:59 AM

Hello fellow Lumerians!

We'd like to let you know, that for a few days they may be problems with reaching us - we are showcasing Lumeria at the greatest board game show there is in Europe - Essen Spiel! If you wrote to us this week and did not get a response - don't worry, we will answer all of your questions after monday, when we get back to Poland. In the mean time, if you are in Essen - come to the stand 1A100,  say hi, and maybe play a couple rounds like these wonderful players on the pictures! ;)

Have a great day!

Closing the Pledge manager!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Oct 08, 2021 at 09:44:19 AM



As previously announced, we are slowly approaching the end of Pledge Manager! This Monday, October 11 at 12:00 AM Polish time (GMT + 2), the Pledge Manager stage of our campaign will be closed. Your orders will be closed and the money will be charged from your accounts. If you have any security checks in the form of additional transfer confirmations, remember to handle them. The transaction operator is Stripe as previously announced. After this stage, it will not be possible to modify your orders and we will start processing them. Around the end of the calendar year, we will release another update reminding you to confirm shipping addresses so that we can start preparing the logistics process for shipping in April. So if you haven't completed the surveys yet, you have the whole weekend for it, but don't leave it for the last minute! ;)


Zgodnie z wcześniejszymi zapowiedziami, powoli zbliżamy się do końca trwania Pledge Managera! W najbliższy poniedziałek, 11 października o godzinie 12:00 w południe czasu polskiego (GMT+2) zostanie zamknięty etap Pledge Managera w naszej kampanii. Wasze zamówienia zostaną zablokowane, a pieniądze pobrane z kont. Jeżeli więc posiadacie jakieś zabezpieczenia w postaci dodatkowych potwierdzeń przelewów, to pamiętajcie, że by je obsłużyć. Operatorem transakcji jest Stripe, zgodnie z wcześniejszymi informacjami. Po tym etapie modyfikacja Waszych zamówień nie będzie możliwa, a my rozpoczniemy ich realizację. W okolicach końca roku kalendarzowego wydamy kolejną aktualizację przypominającą Wam o potwierdzeniu adresów wysyłek tak, żebyśmy mogli zacząć przygotowywać proces logistyczny na wysyłkę w kwietniu. Jeżeli więc jeszcze nie wypełniliście ankiet macie na to cały weekend, ale nie zostawiajcie tego na ostatnią chwilę! 

Stay safe!

Cube Factory of Ideas crew